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时间:2023-05-16 10:00:01    编辑:百草

Sailor Moon: The Strongest Elf is a mobile game based on the popular anime and manga series, Sailor Moon. Players take on the role of a sailor scout, collecting and training powerful elves to battle against enemies. In this game, there are a variety of ways to strengthen your team, and strategic planning is key to winning battles. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the game, including tips on gameplay, team building, and battling.

Part 1: Gameplay Tips

Firstly, it’s important to focus on completing the main storyline to unlock new levels, earn rewards, and gain access to new elves. Complete daily quests, participate in events, and challenge the arena to earn additional rewards. Use those rewards to upgrade your team.

Secondly, you can enhance your elves by evolving them, leveling them up, and equipping them with items. Make sure to use your resources wisely and prioritize your most powerful elves. Keep in mind the element types and strengths of your enemies to choose the best team to battle them. Always aim to have a well-rounded team, including a healer, a tank, and damage dealers.


Part 2: Team Building Tips

Building a powerful team is essential to winning battles. There are five different elements in the game: fire, water, wood, light, and dark. Make sure to have a balanced team with a mix of elements to cover all types of enemies.

A healer elf is crucial to your team’s survival. Choose a healer with strong healing abilities and upgrade their skills. A tank elf is also important to absorb enemy damage and protect your team. A strong damage dealer is essential to defeat enemies quickly. Finally, use elves with elemental advantages against your enemies to deal more damage.


Part 3: Battling Tips

Before a battle, check the level and element of your opponents to choose the best team to battle them. Use your most powerful elves for difficult battles or bosses. Utilize your healer elf to keep your team alive and your tank to absorb damage. Always target the enemy with the lowest health first to eliminate them quickly.

It’s also important to know your skills and use them wisely. Use your skills strategically to deal damage, heal your team, or remove enemy buffs. Pay attention to the cooldown time of skills, and use them when they are available. Use status-effect skills to weaken enemies or protect your team.



Sailor Moon: The Strongest Elf is an exciting game that requires strategic planning and team building. Completing the main storyline, participating in events, and challenging the arena are important to earn rewards and unlock new levels and elves. Building a balanced team with a healer, tank, and damage dealers is essential. Use your skills strategically and pay attention to the enemy’s element strengths and weaknesses to win battles. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the strongest sailor scout in the game.

